As you all know I have being fighting an on going battle with my dry itchy scalp. It seems like I have tried everything, but nothing seems to help. While I was searching youtube and the hair boards I came across this recipe for a scalp exfoliation.
All you need is Brown Sugar, Silicone free Conditioner(or a Carrier Oil of your choice) and Tea Tree Oil
I mixed 4 parts brown sugar to 2 parts condtioner and about 10-15 drops of Tea Tree Oil
here's what I got
To Apply I parted my hair into 4 sections working one section at a time I used my fingers to apply the mixture to my scalp rubbing in circular motions. Here's what it looks like:
Once I applied the scrub to an entire section I then went back and applied my Kitchen Sink DC to the length of my hair(OH yea Click HERE for the the KS recipe and HERE for a list of my staple products)
then i pined it back up
Once all 4 sections were done I put my plastic cap on and let it sit for about an hour.
I rinsed each section one by one and re clipped it when I was done.
after rinsing I co washed in the 4 sections with my Giavonni Conditioner, then I did an AVC rinse to make sure all the Sugar was out. I i finished with a cool water rinse.
I left my hair wrapped in my turbie Twist for about 10 minutes while I got dressed, then I applie my LTR and The Aphogee Leave-in, The I moisturized and sealed with Coconut oil.(all in the 4 sections)
Lastly I braided braided each section(4 big braids) and put a roller on the ends to air dry.
I will do a quick updated post tmrw to let you know how well this treatment turned out.
Until then
and So much Love