Thursday, November 3, 2011

Product Update.

I know I was supposed to come back with an updated hair regimen, but I am still in the process of re working my regimen for the winter months. So instead I decided to share with you what is currently in my stash. I say currently because I just made a itty bitty(Literally. I ordered a bunch of sample sizes) product haul from Oyin and Bee Mine.

*Side bar* I am in love with the idea of sample sizes esp. when I am ordering products online. It's the best way to find out what you like without spending a fortune on a product PLUS SHIPPING. Whats even better is I don't like it, i'm only out a few bucks and I don't mind so much letting it collect dust or even tossing it. I think more companies should offer samples. PLUS if I do end up liking the product I just get samples to travel with instead of buying those plastic travel size containers that I can never fill without wasting a TON of product! *steps off soapbox*

Anyway, I only have a few products in rotation because this summer I spent most of my extra money on building my make-up collection.(SMDH the budget is so tight I was forced to choose!) So what end up happening is I only replaced HG products and used up my stash from my PJ days.

I actually got some great results and my hair has been growing rather nicely. I guess thats why they are my Holy Grails tho right?

*products left to right* (** denotes HG)
**water&EVOO|**Coconut Oil|Eco Styler|**Direct Leave In|Soft sheen Carson Mango oil& Cupuacu Butter|
Not Pictured|ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo|Deva Curl Heaven in Hair

I have basically only been co washing unless I have a lot of build up from the ECO gel, which is where the ORS comes in. I use the Direct leave-in on my wet hair before styling and seal with coconut oil. When i am wearing twists or I have my hair slicked back for a bun I will spritz with water and run coconut oil thru gently. I don't to much use the Mango Oil unless I'm doing my twists on dry hair/ or re-twisting for a twist out. I haven't decided if I am going to do a full on review. It's an ok product but it's really nothing special. And that is really all I've been doing. Now that my hair is starting to grow out I need to come up with some new styles!
So Much Love

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