Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Will Tangle No More

I know I said before that the tangle teezer didn't negativly affect my hair, but that was like 3 inches ago! Now that my hair is getting longer I have been noticing fairy knots like crazy.

At first I was contributing them to my styling methods. I had a really lazy hair summer! So when I started noticing the knots and splits I trimmed my ends and I put my hair in twists.

I wore twists for about 5 weeks then I took them down and started right back with the Tangle Teezer. And again I started to notice the knots! So not wanting to think that it was the tangle teezer I scoured the internet looking for a soultion, low and behold I ran across a blog post about how the TT was known to cause SSKS(single strand knots)

So in conclusion I dusted my ends AGAIN and I put the TT aside for now. I plan on doing twists again soon as a protective style for the winter and also as a way to bounce back from this little setback. I am just trying to hold off on doing them until after my new products came in but we'll see!
Oh p.s I’m having a great hair day!!!

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