What's on the Label:
This newly improved Vitale Olive Oil Sensitive Scalp Conditioning No-Lye Relaxer is specially forumulated with olive oil and coconut oil for double nourishment and protection. Olive and Coconut Oils add shine and body to the hair. In addition to less scalp irritaion, this kit conditions hair during every step of the relaxer process. The special Chelating Shampoo eliminates the chalky build up associated with no-lye relaxer, the Hair Manyonnaise replenishes the hair with vitamins and proteins ans the Leave-in Conditioner moiaturizes, detangles and protects the hair from thermal styling tools.
What's the Real Dookie..
Ok lets start off with the Relaxer itself. It comes,as most box relaxers do, in a tub and you have to mix the activator in. I was hopeful that this product would be great because its a couple bucks cheaper than the ORS and I really like the insrtuction guide(i always read the instruction guide no matter how many times i've self relaxed. I like to know nothing has changed.) Anyway the guide was amazing it even had a section on healthy hair.
I know its mostly pushing Vitale's other products, the info is actually right.
But moving on. I applied the relaxer and I worked it in, total processing time 18 min, which is the maxiumim for course hair in the booklet. The only reason it takes me so long is because i'm slow with the application.
Geesh I keep getting off topic. Anyhow I noticed that this relaxer didn't make my VERY Sensetive scalp burn on contact, which amazed me because I have used sensitive scalp everything for YEARS and never once did a realxer not burn me.
As for the rinse out it left my hair feeling much like any other relaxer, so dead and unloved :/. I will say this got my hair is bone straight with no scalp damage that I can tell as of yet. I don't know if thats do to my improving application, or if the relaxer is just that good, but I was impressed, even though I was starting to like my hair being slightly under processed.
Once the relaxer was all rinsed out I used the Hair Mayo to put some protein back into my hair. I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!. I think it comes in every box, but it's marketed as a free sample, which is fine with me as long as they keep putting it in there.
It has a thick consistency and left my hair super soft and detangled. It's not a super heavy protein which I love, because I'm not a huge fan of protein anyway, so it works just fine for me, And it might even be replacing my knock off K-Pac as my mild bi-weekly protein. The only down side is that it smells like grease and I HATE the way grease smells yuck.
Then I neutralized. I have to admit the shampoo was pretty moisturizng. Other than that it is pretty much like any other neutraliziing shampoo I've tried expect for the fact it took me 3 washes to get a good lather and even then it wasn't great. Not that that makes me hate this kit as a whole, I do prefer a good lather when I shampoo.
I didn't use the leave-in and I don't really plan to. I compared the ingredients on the back to my LTR and it wasn't even close, so I will stick to LTR thank you.
All in all this kit will with out a doubt be me new relaxer. My scalp pretty much dictates what goes on, in or around my head and She is telling me that Vitale is a keeper! Look for an updated staple product post in the coming week.
So much Love
oh and I am itching for my use up my stash to be over so I can run out and buy some more Vitale Products, until then 1 down 4 to go...