Saturday, October 3, 2009

10 Uses for Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is one of my favorite beauty secrets.(never knew it was a plant) If you watched my skin care video than you already know I swear by the stuff. I use it mostly at night because I am too lazy to actually wash my face , but it is so so so important to cleanse your face of all the make-up dirt and oil before you go to bed. Witch hazel works so well on my face, it got me to thinking, what else is it good for? So I hit the internet to find some other common uses for this miracle product. So here’s a list of a few of its uses:

1. A facial astringent. It helps shrink pores.
2. It’s an anti inflammatory, which means it helps reduce puffy eyes.
3. Helps soothe razor burn and sunburn
4. Helps with bug bites by soothing the itching, bleeding and ease the pain
5. Helps with varicose veins
6. Heals bruises
7. Soothes diaper rash
8. Treats dry skin, by locking in moisture
9. Reduces hemorrhoids
10. Helps soothe poison ivy

Those are just a few of the things witch hazel can do, but as with anything, do your own research to see if it is right for you.

So much love

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