Friday, January 29, 2010

Life Style Changes..

OK so as you know I am going to Miami this summer, and I decided that I need to start tighting up now. I don't wanna lose lb's so i'm not calling this a diet, but more of a lifestyle change. Here's my plan, as of FEB 1:

1. Puut the chips down! I need to stop snacking so damn much and actually eat a real meal. So no more snacking, unless its on fruits and veggies

2. Eat better! Sometimes I only eat one REAL meal a day. and I can go weeks with out and veggies, so Veggies atleast 3x a week(its a start) and 3 square meals a day.

3. Sweat! I am going to do 3 30min work outs a week. I looked into Zumba, and the next session starts Feb 24,

4.Shop Healthier. I really do think if I buy healthier food, I will be forced to eat healthier. So as i run out of things I am going to replace them with better things.

5. Cook 1 healthy meal a week. Now when I say healthy I mean nothing deep fried, and covered in sauces, this will be the hard part, well and the veggies.

I am also going to give myself 7 cheat passes a month, so when I get a Mac Attack I can do so without punishment up to 7 times.. I am also not gonna drink anymore either, so the cheat passes can be used for a beer.


*If I miss a work out, add an hour to the next one
*Missed veggies, add a veggie day to the next week
*Go over on cheats, subtract from the next month..

I will post a starting pic and my weekly schedule on the first.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How I airdry, and a little ditty about Setbacks...

Ok so this is the final chapter in my bout with extreme dryness, but first I would like to show you how I air dry my hair. PLease excuse the shiny forehead and the fresh from the shower look.

Anywho, I ended up washing my hair, well clarifying to remove some of the build up, and then I did a quick condtion with my Smooth as Silk conditioner, and finger combed my hair. I already detangled with my wash day and since my hair has already been through so much I decided the comb would only make matter worse.

But I digress,
1. I appied my leave-in HE LTR
2. Sealed with Coconut Oil
3. finger combed my hair once more making sure everything was applied evenly
4. tied my scarf around my head
5. pushed my scarf back slightly laying down my edges(look at the pic)
6. divided my hair into 2 pigtails making buns

I always air dry like this to pretty decent results Hope this helps

NOW ON to the CONE issue.
I am so mad at myself for being dumb enough not to realize what I was doing to my hair. This setback was so preventable, but I am thankful it could have been a lot worse. I lost only a small amount of hear due tto shedding and breakage, and here are the reason I think that is.(yes, another list)

1. I pay very close attention to my hair. Even though I have a very low manipulation regimen, I always examine my hair every night when I moisturize and seal.

2. I drink lots of water. I think that is the only reason my hair wasn't as dry as it could have been, because even though the sillicones blocked my hair from the moisturizer i appiled nightly, all the water helped keep my hair moisturized internally, if that makes sense.

3. I keep it simple. ONce I realized there was a problem it wasn't hard to figure out what was causing it. My regiment and products dn't change much so it was easy to pin point the cause.

4. i didn't freak out. The hardest thing about a setback is the fact that it ruins your confidence. My intial reaction was, WHY AM I WASTING MY TIME I WILL NEVER HAVE LONG HAIR!!!! Then I thought about some of the ladies who started with hair like mine and now have hair down their backs. It's possible you just have to have patients.

5. I am a member of several hair boards. Once I realized I was in setback city I hit the boards with avengence, researching all the products in my regimen, and looking for advice to combat the situation, and it save me and my hair!!!

Now my hair is not back 100% the way it was, but it will get there and I can move on from this and still hopefully make it to SL by July, my 1 year anniversary

I think figured it out...CONES!!!!

Its the only thing that is different in my reggie. I picked up a huge bottle of Treseme ReMOisturizng conditioner a few weekes ago because I was all out of my pre poo mix, and it was on sale. Now generally for my pre poo I use any condtioner that is cheap or one that is laying around half used waiting for my to finish. I do this mainly because I apply my pre poo very generously throughout my head so needless to say I go through a lot. Anyway, i didn't realized the re moisturize was full of cones until I got it home. Now I did some research on cones and found that the worse thing they do is cause build uo in your hair, but I figured that i have very thick 4b hair and I clarify regularly so what the heck...

Well here we are 3 weeks later and I am pretty sure that that DAMN conditioner is the reason my hair is as FUCKED as it is right now. So for my next wash I am going to clarify one more time and burn that CRAP..

I really do think that that is the problem because all my other products have been the same so I will keep you updated on the cone situation...

Oh and not all products with cones are bad, I just think this conditioner sucks because it is made up of mstly cones. A cone here or there won't hurt, but I don't think slathering them across my head and covering it with a plastic cap for 2 hours was my brightest moment...

We don't Quit, I don't Quit...

No this isn't about last nights state of the union address, although I still don't have health care, Its about my recent bout with extreme dryness. Last night I baggied for a little over 2 hours,I sprayed my hair liberally with my Aloe mix, then I applied about a dime sized amount of some ORS Hair lotion that I found in my stash of unused products, and lastly I sealed with coconut oil. One episode of Bad Girls Club, and one episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians later I took off my plastic cap and my hair was better. Not great, not even really good, but better, which is all I can ask for.

This morning when I woke up I pulled out my Sally's GVP Conditioning Balm. and applied it to my hair from tip to root section by section. After applying it throughout my entire head I finger combed it through making sure each and every strand was covered. I am off today and I have a lot of house work to do so I plan to keep this in my hair until my shower tonight. I will update again tmrw.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Extreme Dryness...

I think that i am going throw a bout of protein overload. Yesterday was wash day and my hair just didn't respond. It felt dry even though it was soaking wet. I didn't lose a lot of hair so I hope I caught it before it turned into set back city. I am not even sure if it is protein overload, but something is definitely off. I did a clarifying wash last week, and I use my sample bottle of porosity control with this wash as a final rinse so i can rule out porosity and build-up as possible culprits,so for now I am going to treat this problem like too much protein and blast my hair with moisture. allow me to introduce you to the calvary...

from left to right
Spray Bottle, Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Juice, Glycerin(from Wal Mart), Dabur Rose water, from my local Indian store.

Now I have been using an aloe spritz for my scalp and its working well so i decided to re vamp my recipie to add more rose water and more glycerin and use it on my enitre head every night until my problem is solved. Mu plan is to Spray this and seal with coconut oil, and baggy for 30 mintues every night before bed. I am hoping i will see results in the next few days, if not, back to the drawing board...

Oh and I'm not sure if the honey pre poo helped or hurt the situation. I will have to try it again on balanced healthy hair...

UPDATE(Jan. 28)

Ok so i think my problem is from an over usage of sillicones. I wrote a post about it today, but I just wanted to amend this to say that even if i had been suffering from protein overload I would have taken the same measures, so I'm leaving the moisture/protien tag...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Honey & Olive Oil Pre-poo, and Porosity Control...

So as you know I join a strict hair challege on Hairlista and one of the rules are that you must "pamper your hair with a homemade hair treatment once a month." Well I decided to do my treatment on the last wash day of each month and today is the day. I am currently sitting in the Kitchen with a concoction of $ parts olive oil to 2 parts honey. I figured i would do a hot oil treatment/pre poo and I wanted to keep the ingredients simple.

It put the mix in an empty color applicator bottle and warmed it in the microwave. However Iwas talking to my mom on the phone and forgot I had it in there so in result, it was boling hot lol. So because put in in the freezer for about 5/6 minutes then I applied it to my hair in sections, the same way I oil my scalp.

Anyway, Idk if i have to much honey, or what but it is kind of sticky and my hair feels a little stiff :( I hope my hair doesn't end up a tangled mess when I go to wash it out. I will update this post when I'm done....

Anyway I also went to Sally's today to pick up some silken child detangler, and while I was there I picked up a sample bottle of roux Porosity Control. The stuff is supposed to work wonders, i'm just not sure how to use it yet...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Look #2

I really like this Ballerina thing, I might stick with it see where it leads me

Look # 1

I made this look for maybe a relaxed night at a local dive bar or maybe for shopping/sight seeing during the day. all the lOoks i'm going to post are basically for inspiration, can't affored to go out an buy everything I see, but I would like to pick up a few key pieces to supplement my wardrobe... Loving the black top from forever 21

Find me on Polyvore

(P.s. this is my first one, so please be kind, they will get better)

I'm In Miami Bitch...

Well not till this summer, but the planning begins now! I gotta start working out and of course I will be looking everywher for inspiration. I created an account on Polyvore so I can match up outfits for my trip. I of course will post them on here so you guys can see. I will also let you know my work out regimen, when i get one...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shoe website...

They Have some cute clothes too, but you know me i'm all about the footwear and they are having an amazing boot sale, now is the time to buy buy buy...

They are really cheap and I havent ordered from them yet, because of my whole car situation, but when I do I will let you know how the shipping works...

My Regimen Jan 2010

I posted the rule to the LHA , but here is a breakdown of my actual hair Regimen...


Moisturize and Seal
1-2x a day

Tuesday or Wednesday
Pre-Poo, Wash, Deep Condition
Air Dry(scarf method)

3rd wash of the month or as often as needed... I like cones so sometimes I have to clarify more often

When needed,

Growth Aid
every other night
I alternate between MN for length and castor oil for thickness
So one month its MN and the next its castor oil and so on.
I will probably stop using MN once the LHA is over in July but we'll see.


Moisturizer and Sealant
Aloe Vera Spritz(aloe juice, rosewater, glycerin, tea tree oil)
HE LTR leave -in
Coconut Oil

4 Parts EVOO, 2 Parts Honey, a dash of Cayene Pepper OR
Conditioner, Rosemary Oil, Eucalytus Oil, Peppermint oil Tea Tree Oil

Shampoo & Contioner
Giovanni Smooth as Silk


Deep Condtioner
Sallys GVP conditioning blam, mixed with honey and EVOO

5 Things I always do

1.Protective Style, I love wigs
2.sleep with a satin bonnet and scarf
3.Take my vitamins
4.Drink Lots of Water
5.listen to what my hair is telling me

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Friday...

“May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.”

i've been having a rough past few days, this helped pull me out of my funk a little so hope it helps you as well

My moisturizer is a WHAT?!?!

So i thought that I was in love whit this stuff until a lady on LHCF told my that this is a protein leave-in. I have been doing so well with my hair that I really don't wanna risk a set back, but at the same time this is one product I have found that actually works. I really don't want to have to go thru the drama of trying out new moisturzers, and I reaally don't have the extra $$$$ b/c my car is going to cost $697.00 to get fixed, so right now EVERY SINGLE PENNY counts.. I'll keep you posted.

So Much Love

Monday, January 18, 2010

Let's Talk about Pep..

I'm late I know, but its my new Fav...

check it out Monday Nights ant 10:30 on VH1.

Calebs gone...

and I'm sad. We had a great time, and i was able to stay on my hair routine, but the water thing is killing my today, I still have 2 more to go...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January Updates.. 6 Months in!!!!

Ok guys so I am sitting under the dry waiting for my roller set to dry. Jan marks 6 months on my hair journey, and I really have learned A LOT. My hair has never been heathier, aand although i didn't get as much growth as I would have liked, I do realize it doesn't just happen overnight, esp. since I started off with over processed, sun damage, and heat damaged hair. I also fell victim It has taken a BIG CHOP and and 6 months of trails and tribulations and jumoing on and off bandwagons I think I have finally found a reggy that works for me...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Split End Prevention

So since I joined the LHA on Hairlista I have been going so hard on my hair journey. Seeing as one of the rules is no trimming or cutting until June I figured I'd do some research on spilt end prevention. Heres what I found...

Split ends are caused by:

1.Excessive use of hot styling tools (irons, hot curlers, blow dryers, hot combs).
2.Overuse of chemical treatments (relaxers, perms, hair color).
3.Use of inferior styling tools that rip or snag hair (cheap synthetic brushes or combs, brush rollers, etc.,).
4.Environmental damage from heat, cold, wind and other climate issues.
5.Lack of routine maintenance such as regular trimming.
6.Improper detangling techniques.
8.Use of inferior hair care products.
9.Excessive use of styling products such as gels, waxes and sprays.
10.Trimming with inferior scissors.

to read the entire artical click here

here are some flicks of what your looking for..

and lastly here's what you can do to prevent them...

1. deep conditioning, DO IT!!!
2. if your still teasing your hair STOP NOW
3. lay off the flat iron every once and a while, HEAT DAMAGE is the WORSE DAMAGE
4. you don't need to brush your hair 100x a day, as a matter of fact, once it's styled, leave it alone...
5. stick to ouchless hair bands, NO METAL
6. DO NOT wash your hair like the girl in the comerical. When you pile it up on top of your head like that, it causes tangles, and the more tangles means more detangling which means, more combing/brushing, which CAUSES SPLITS
7. Chemicals destroy your hair's natural state, weak hair is more prone to split.


So Much Love

Letter to my Daughter...Philanthropy

...... Rather I like to think of myself as charitable. The charitable say in effect "I seem to have more than I need and you seem to have less than you need. I would like to share my excess with you... I may never be known as a philanthropist but I certianly am a lover of mankind, and I will give freely of my resources.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Letter to my daughter... HOME

"We carry accumulation of years in our bodies and on our faces but generally our real selves, the children inside, are still innocent ans shy as magnolias. We may act sophisticated and worldly but I believe we feel safest when we go inside ourselves and find home, a place where we belong and maybe the only place we really do."

Letter to my Daughter...

I just finished reading a book of essay's by Maya Angelou entitled 'Letter to my Daugthter.' It was one of the most inspirational books I have ever read, and because of that everyday I am going to post my favorite qoute from each letter in hope that it will inspire you too.

Heavy in Rotation...

I picked up Robin Thicke's new Cd last week and there is a song on there i LOVE LOVE LOVE. I didn't do a review on it because it takes me way to long to get thru a whole CD, i still haven't heard it all, but this one is worth a listen...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Boot...

Hey Dolls, I really really want some new boots, and i found 2 really nice pairs on and I can't decided which one to get. I like them both and they both are on sale. The old Erika would just get them both, but the new frugal Erika is say choose... What to do...

The KEY BOOT, is leather with silver studds

The MARLANE BOOT, is suede and they are the ones I saw first, so I am leaning towards them, but I really like the other pair too...

Caleb's coming next week so I would like to have them ordered ASAP!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Joined a group on Hairlista!!!

Its called the long hair academy and if I can stick with it I should see some great results. Its not for the faint of heart, but I am doing good so far!!! Here are the rules.....

You must moisturize and seal daily, no exceptions
• No cutting, trimming, or dusting of the hair. Any scissor plans you have must be executed before the first day of Long Hair Academy or after the semester is over.
• Elastic Bands are strictly forbidden.
• You must Deep Condition once a week, including after each time you shampoo.
• You must drink at least five cups of water a day. No exceptions. This is one of the most important rules! You may get your water in the form of fresh brewed Tea. This does not include iced tea, sweet tea, lemonade, or half and half. Flavored water packets such as Crystal Light, South Beach, Benefiber, and Lipton are acceptable.
• You are allowed Two Relaxer passes. Yes, this is also a stretching challenge to achieve optimum strength. If you're already overdo for a relaxer, I'd suggest a touch up before you enroll.
• You may not shampoo more than every other week. If you use a sulfate-free shampoo or an organic shampoo [bar], this can be lowered to once every week. Pre-pooing is strongly suggested, but not required.
• You must keep your hair protected when you sleep. Wild nights of passion are not an excuse. Make use of a silk pillowcase, satin scarf or hair bonnet. Avoid any unnecessary detangling.
• For all ladies SL and longer you must wear a protective style of your choice at least 2 days a week. This includes but is not limited to buns, half wigs, full wigs, braids, sew-ins, and various up-dos.
• You must take one supplement of your choice. Acceptable supplements include:
Multivitamin, Bella Nutri, Vitamin E, MSM, L-Cysteine, Chlorophyll, Silica, Niacin, Biotin, Vitamin B-12, Cod Liver Oil, Provillus, and Nature’s Bounty, or any other Hair Skin & Nails supplements.
• You must apply a topical growth aid directly to your scalp. How often you do this depends on which growth aid you choose (Not less than 3 times a week) Acceptable growth aids are limited to:
Any combination of essential oils including (peppermint oil, jojoba, rosemary, lemongrass, coconut, carrot, tea tree, rice bran, avocado, aloe vera, Nettle, olive, safflower, sunflower, cayenne pepper, horsetail, grapeseed, shea, marula, eucalyptus)
Micanazole Nitrate
Wild Growth Hair Oil
Moe’s Growth Oil,
Nu Gro
[Jamaican Black] Castor Oil
Mega Tek
Ovation Cell Therapy
Jason Biotin Growth
Beemine Serum
Boundless Tresses
Sulfur 8
• Absolutely NO brushing on wet hair
• Absolutely NO fine tooth combing on dry hair
• Detangle on wet hair only. This may be difficult for some of you but it will pay off.
• You must post in the group at least once a week. There will be a weekly “Check up” discussion where you can discuss your progress, ask questions, cite any changes in your regimen, but more importantly let us know you are still a part of the challenge.
• You are allowed ONE direct heat pass a month only. Use it wisely. Direct heat includes the use of a non-hooded blow dryer, flat iron, curling iron, or hot comb. Hooded dryers and heating caps should be used at your discretion.
• You must pamper your hair with one homemade Hair treatment a month. This includes a protein treatment. We will be putting up a Hair Recipes Discussion board on the 1st of January and you are ALL required to post at least one recipe in it (Even if you have yet to try it out)

*Should you break any of the rules you will receive one strike (be honest people). Three strikes and you will be respectfully expelled. This includes the weekly check in rule. Only serious applicants need apply. Beauty is sacrifice and it must be earned.

So, if you have the discipline and you're determined to be the baddest chick in your neighborhood (provided you aren't already) invite your friends and let's all conquer the hair demon that's plagued black women for so long,

this is my new regimen until June.. pray for me

So much love

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Theme Song...

Beer Rinse

Cider Vinegar & Beer Rinse

1 oz water
2 teaspoons Cider Vinegar
1 ounce of flat Beer
5 drops Rosemary essential oil (optional)

Mix all ingredients together. Shampoo and rinse hair as usual. Pour the rinse on your hair and work it through. Rinse with lukewarm, not hot, water.

I found THIS great website simply by googling beer rinses and it had a few beer rinse suggestions.

Beer rinses are supposed to help rebuild damaged hair and also add shine. I have been looking for a great way to addd shine to my hair without weighing it down with product. I will let you know how it works out...

Happy New YEar!!!!

I know i been really REALLY slacking lately but i promise i will get better with the post. Although I didn't make and resolution, I am trying to be an all around better version of myself this year. I want to stay focused, stay consistant, and stay on top of everything. Hope all is well

So much Love